Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Men's Hair Loss Causes and Treatment

There are various causes of male hair loss, and thanks to modern medicine, many hair loss treatment options for you to consider. Most men lose their hair due to inherited genes and the normal aging process, but there are other causes as well. The key to choosing an effective hair loss treatment is to determine the cause of hair loss and then select among various kinds of hair loss solutions to find the most appropriate treatment.

Male pattern baldness

Up to 90% of all male hair loss is due to male pattern baldness, also called androgenetic alopecia. In this situation, the causes of hair loss is due to genes inherited from the father, mother, or both. The older a man is getting bald are more likely to occur, although some men start losing their hair from their late teens or early twenties.

Male pattern baldness generally appears in one of two ways - at the top of the head of thinning hair or a receding hairline. One way to predict the bald man would have is to look at the causes of hair loss and the family. It is not always accurate, though, male pattern baldness because it can sometimes skip a generation.

Causes of Male Pattern Baldness

Experts say that as many as 50% of all men will experience hair loss, ranging from mild to moderate, at the time they turn 50, and 65% of men will have a clear pattern baldness by the time they are 60 years old. Whether due to aging, genetics or a combination of both, why hair loss is actually occurring?

The answer is a chemical called dehydrotestosterone, or DHT. This is a male hormone that collects and builds up around the hair follicles, eventually causing the follicle and the hair grows out of it to be killed. As DHT levels increase with aging, more and more influenced by the follicle and hair loss becomes more apparent.

Other Causes of Male Hair Loss

If 90% of male pattern baldness is due to genes and aging, how about the other 10% of men who lost or lose their hair? For these people the cause of hair loss can range from medical conditions to damage caused by extreme hair styles or hair care is hard. Examples could include:

Medication - Some anti-depressants, blood thinners and medications for the treatment of uric acid can cause hair loss, as can excess vitamin A. Chemotherapy drugs often causes hair loss.

Severe illness / surgery - body goes through tremendous stress during severe illness or major surgery, often causes hair loss within three to four months after illness or surgery.

Illness - Hair loss in men can be the cause of undiagnosed medical condition such as lupus or diabetes, or fungal infection of the scalp.

Hormones - The human body contains a variety of hormones, both male and female, who may become unbalanced and cause hair loss. Hormonal problems due to thyroid gland is overactive or underactive can also cause hair loss.

The right diagnosis
Because there are medical and genetic causes of male pattern baldness, it is important to correctly diagnose the exact cause of hair loss treatments before choosing the most appropriate. The best course of action is to consult a physician before beginning any treatment.

If the cause of hair loss in men is something other than genetics and aging, the good news is that often reversible simply by reducing or eliminating medications or conditions that cause it. Dangers of self diagnosis is that the underlying disease or medical condition may continue untreated, leading to more serious medical problems.

Strong feelings and emotions associated with hair loss is understandable, but should not be used as an excuse to avoid consulting a doctor. A doctor can confirm that there are no medical conditions that require treatment and provide advice on potential solutions.

Hair Loss Treatment of understanding

For 90% of men whose loss is due to causes such as male pattern baldness hair generally, there are several treatment options to consider. These range from topical to oral medications to surgical technique, all of which come with various advantages, disadvantages, costs, and other considerations.

The key to choosing the right treatment for male hair loss it is considering the convenience, the short and long terms of impact on daily life, cost, effectiveness and maintenance requirements. The best solution for one person may be very different from the best treatment for someone else, so it is important to make decisions based on personal circumstances and desired outcomes.

Topical Hair Loss Treatment

By far the most common type of hair loss treatment for men is the application of topical hair loss products. These products can range from shampoo and conditioner for the scalp oils to stimulate the chemical drugs.

The most effective hair loss topical treatment to date is minoxidil, marketed under the brand name Rogaine. Previously only available by prescription, these medications are now available over the counter at almost any store, drug store wholesaler or retailer discounts. To maintain hair growth, Rogaine must be used sustainably, when usage is stopped, any hair regrowth of hair that occurs will be lost again. Rogaine is the only hair loss treatment approved by the FDA for use by men and women.

Many other topical treatments available for men who have not proven effective. Beware of any product that is promoted as "drug instant" or "hair growth miracle" drug. While hair loss product is usually not going to cause some damage or damage to the scalp or hair, they also will not be effective in promoting new hair growth. As it is often a waste of money that could otherwise be used for the treatment of medically proven.

Oral Hair Loss Treatment
Another hair loss treatment is effective for men finasteride, marketed under the brand name Propecia. This medicine is available by prescription only and comes in pill taken every day. Such as Rogaine, Propecia discontinued if the use of any hair regrowth that has occurred will be lost.

Propecia is FDA approved hair loss products for use by men only, and even comes with a strong warning to women because it can cause serious birth defects. Women who are pregnant or could become pregnant are strongly encouraged to not even handle Propecia tablets, as these drugs could potentially be absorbed through the skin.

Surgical Hair Loss Treatments

A good number of surgical hair loss treatments available. This treatment has increased dramatically over the years thanks to better techniques and better medical technology. The results usually look very natural to most men and is not lost.

The most common surgical treatment for men whose hair grafting, a process in which hair from one part of the head are transplanted to bald areas. Grafts can be as small as a hair, making it possible for surgeons to create a very natural hairline.

Another surgical option for men is more invasive, involving cutting the bald area and stretching area that still has hair above the cut area. Longer recovery time for this type of treatment, and patients are not all the hair loss would be a good candidate for this procedure.

If you are experiencing male pattern baldness, consult your doctor or dermatologist who can diagnose the cause of your hair loss and recommend the best treatment for your particular situation.

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