Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Different Methods of Hair Removal

Hair is an emotive subject and the human nature of human nature, what we want we can not have and what we have we do not want! Hair curly and we wanted to straight, hair straight and we wanted to curly, haired brown and we wanted to blond, blond and we wanted to red. Similarly, the upper lip hair in women, so valued as a sign of exquisite beauty in some parts of the world, vilified by the West.

Unwanted hair is a common problem that affects most women to varying degrees throughout their lives and encourage the use of temporary methods of hair reduction hair or various management systems. This causes great distress, and often accompanied by feelings of poor self-esteem, a sense of isolation and low self worth.

Since the time when the bearded lady in a traveling exhibition of Victoria on display for entertainment and ridicule, Western society has maintained stigma of excess hair. Many women are pressured to extraordinary lengths to remove traces of hair from each and every part of their body because they feel unattractive and uninteresting. But it's not just women who are now exposed ... the male gender is subject to the pressures of 'fashion' and the world of celebrities and unwanted hair can be just as vilified by the adult male population as a woman.

Different Methods of Hair Removal

Excessive hair growth can be caused by many factors, such as hormonal imbalances, (during puberty, pregnancy and menopause), genetics and ethnicity, ancestry, or drugs such as waxing or tweezing topical stimulation. By the because it, electrolysis - only method of permanent hair removal, is a treatment which very enthused by the clients women and waria and the new-new, because attitudes society, the number clients men increased.

To meet this demand as usual there are many hair removal measure some of which go back centuries in history. Hair removal has been around since the caveman era, but interesting parts of our body hair is different dump for centuries. Remove hair from their heads and faces of men at first not for vanity but for survival. There is evidence that humans cave do this but also person ancient Egypt and done, us imagine, for protection, such as the friction from beard and hair in the head akan take advantage from enemy have whatever it for holding onto as well as having of less mites!

In ancient Egyptian, Greek and Middle Eastern states, removing body hair is important. Even the women are removed most of their body hair, except eyebrows. Egyptian women removed hair of the head and pubic hair is considered unethical by both sexes! It is also considered unethical for him to have hair on their faces. Facial hair is to a sign from a slave or a servant, or person from lower classes. The ancient Egyptians used forms of razors made of flint or bronze as the razor was not invented until 1760 by a French barber, Jean Jacques Perret.

They also use a temporary method of hair removal called sugaring. A sticky paste (bees wax is sometimes used) will be applied to the skin, cloth strip is pressed into the wax and pulled off - equivalent to a current waxing. Wealthy women of the Roman Empire would remove their body hair with pumice stones, razors, tweezing and pasta. There is also another technique used is called threading which recently saw a resurgence in popularity. A thin string or thread will be placed through the fingers of both hands, and quickly stroked over the area. Iterative process and effective hair tweezed arrested, tear or pull out unwanted hair. During the Elizabethan practice of hair removal, (instead of the legs, armpit or pubic hair), eyebrows and the hair from their forehead to give the appearance of the eyebrows and forehead are fashionable again. It is surprising to note 'fashion' obvious influences have played in the hair removal from the beginning.

Waxing, sugaring, depilatory creams, bleaching, shaving, sugaring, plucking, threading, and even battery-powered lift dual tweezers system, are all temporary methods that many people try it today. Even a new hair removal device seems to appear like a bus - every 20 minutes or more! However, technology has moved on and with it, it appears that there are several methods of hair removal is limited and uncertain. X-rays and photodynamic methods are limited in this category because the former has been banned in some countries like the United States and the latter only in the experimental stage. Electric tweezers, transdermal electrolysis, and microwaves are some methods that there is no doubt that the data is established in their effectiveness.

Electrolysis is still the only proven method of permanent hair removal and many women, and indeed many men, have benefited from this treatment is tried and trusted. It is often the case that electrologists are privileged to witness the dramatic transformation in their clients, of personality, shy, introverted at the beginning of a treatment program, for individuals who are confident and happy after the treatment is ongoing and the results became clear.

Whatever your opinion about the hair, 'out' in our Western society is a multi-million pound industry. Like a big money making machine even though it will have more than its fair share of misunderstandings, misconceptions, myths and legends there are many associated with the hard truth of reality. Led by gains of hair removal industry has its fair share of swindlers and frauds of all interested in a big profit opportunity-led.

Hair removal methods are both permanent and temporary. English dictionary definition of 'permanent' state: the eternal, timeless. With this in mind there is only one system on the market today that can actually prove 'permanent' hair removal is mainly due, in testimony of his client's satisfaction and longevity and it is electrolysis. Electrolysis was created in 1875 offers permanent hair removal for all hair types and colors and all skin types and colors. It continues to be used in hospitals by surgeons and ophthalmologists to trichaisis and other distortions of the lashes as well as supporting the hospital department of laser hair removal. It is also considered an important tool in the work of veterinary surgeon for animals (especially horses and dogs) for permanent removal of aberrant lashes and grow. It provides consumers with the help of cosmetics for mild hirsutism problems of patients with hirsutism and serious problems for transgender patients who may require many hours of treatment.

Apparently there have been confusing messages coming from the regulatory body on the definition of what a 'permanent' words, 'removal' or 'reduction' in the hair removal industry really means. Agreement was reached that if the hairs have been removed does not grow back for a period of one year after the last treatment, permanent reductions can be claimed. Electrolysis, was created in 1875 remains to this day, the method of the law allowed for 'permanent removal' claims.

Newer technologies such as LASER (Light Amplification Stimulated Emission of Radiation) and IPL (Intense Pulse Light) was originally launched as a competitor of the electrolysis and was originally marketed as THE answer to all permanent hair removal. This, now realized, is the best, somewhat nave and at worst, of course misleading. The reality is that this is wishful thinking and the 'claim' is much more realistic now. The truth is that while they have their success they also have their limitations - they can not treat all types of hair color and skin color and all succeed, and they now accept their limitations and embrace the electrolysis and electrologists as a back up them.

Laser and IPL are allowed by the FDA to claim permanent 'reductions' but not permanent 'removal' hair. The truth is that the newer technology is brilliant for large areas and for dark hair. For gray hair or white it just simply does not work. Laser and IPL targets melanin in the hair and if your hair gray or white there is no melanin in the hair is left for it to target. In addition, for some unknown reason (s), not all hairs respond to treatment and results vary from 85% - 95% success. The remaining 5% - 15% of hair melanin will lose it (so it appears white) but it still stubbornly continues to grow. This then leave one-only option from 'hair removal permanent' into treatment electrolysis additional for the complete the job. Laser and IPL is now recognized to be the system of 'management' and clients are advised that hair regrowth can occur.

Photoepilator light energy was launched in 1969 and developed from the research of laser hair removal. Photoepilators filtered using a burst of light aimed at one hair at a time. After focusing the light, the hair tweezed. Instruments such as lasers and light, the light used in these devices are targeted to the pigment melanin in the blood and hair and heats them. To activate the process this, optical fiber probe is inserted into the follicles the hair at which the light it flashed. There are no clinical data published so far to support the claims of immortality, and no data has been founded on its effectiveness.

Clamp method with an unsubstantiated claim of 'permanent hair removal' was first patented in 1959. This system works by passing an electric current through a pair of tweezers, which holds the hair on the surface of the skin by holding them for several minutes. Electrical entry through the hair roots and claims to permanently damage it. The scientific community has reservations as the claim of power to destroy the hair root has no scientific backup.

Transdermal transcutaneous offerings and 'permanent Hair Removal' but no clinical data have been published to date to establish the claim that permanent hair removal may be using this method. In 1985 when it discontinued the use of AC electric tweezers, manufacturers are making some modifications to the equipment. Adhesive patch of cotton instead of cotton was introduced and changes its name to transcutaneous hair removal. Using the idea of ​​direct current (DC) for transdermal drug delivery (iontophoresis) without using a needle. A DC electric current is passed through a conductive gel on the skin surface via an adhesive patch placed on the skin. Hair root is claimed to be permanently damaged by an electrical current that moves up into the hair follicle.

To date no clinical data available and the laws of physics do not support the claims made by manufacturers. Hair does not conduct electricity but not the skin. Such as poor electrical resistance through the media, will spread along the surface of the skin and not through the hair. Therefore, as with the clamp method, the argument that it would reach to destroy the hair root has no scientific backup.

USG hair removal claims that ultrasound waves transmitted right down the hair shaft and in the process to convert the heat energy they are super heats the hair growth and inhibit regrowth. Mentioned that the waves bound to the hair shaft and do not disappear into the skin to prevent side effects.

USG hair removal offers a 'total hair removal and claims to be' the next generation of the long term hair removal '. It states in marketing material that it is' The hair removal solution 'and that' no additional hair follicles appear in the same proves that this is a long-term treatment. FDA not yet provide results until currently this regarding the applications to a market on month of April 2010 from latest devices.

Permanent Hair microwave deletion is one of the more unusual methods of permanent hair and both safety and effectiveness have not been proven scientifically. Microwave devices work the same way as those used in microwave ovens. Microwaves are radio waves with a short frequency range. One of the characteristics of microwaves are absorbed by the nature of water, fat and sugar. After absorbed, this wave causes the molecule-molecule within item absorbed vibrate, so the generation the heat. So the skin is heated and the theory of heat energy causes damage to cells that grow hair. But the indiscriminate nature of microwave heating is the biggest weakness and the reason for limited use

Some oral medications found to be effective in slowing hair growth. Spironolactone, Finasteride, Flutamide, cyproterone acetate and some drugs that are commonly used to stop hair growth. The main disadvantage in this is the side effects of these drugs on the human body. Therefore, it is always advisable to use it in consultation with a doctor or dermatologist. Vaniqa is the recipe only the cream topical, who approved FDA. It claims to assist in the growth of unwanted facial hair with the active ingredient, eflornithine hydrochloride, which helps in reducing the growth of facial hair. It prevents hair growth by inhibiting the enzyme that produces reproductive cells and other cell functions. The report shows that there is some improvement shown but only during the drug used.

So to summarize hair removal and hair reduction, is an emotional thing, and easily seduced by new-generation device, image sexy and smart technical jargon presented by the 'white coat'. Every person is different and we have our own personal needs, temporary or permanent, may be a mixture of both? Researching and selecting the method (s) suitable for you, but if you want to remove hair permanently secured. One-only method proven give is electrolysis.

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