Thursday, June 7, 2012

Mario Balotelli Hairstyle

Mario Balotelli is really a football player 21 years old Italy. He did a striker for the England team, City, Stansted, along with the Italian National Team. His professional career has been marred by disciplinary problems. However, the focus would like to know, really take a look at Mario Balotelli hairstyle.

This child has worn several different hair styles throughout their career. He had seen with his head completely shaved for a little style. This one requires absolutely no real effort to make, but it is higher maintenance because of the need to cut frequently. Furthermore, if he has the key to drawing the skin over their heads.

He has a Mohawk in addition to wearing a different style. The first is the most popular use of the temple Mohawk shaved as much off the strip associated with the short hair about two inches wide at the top. He added modified by allowing a broader middle lane, handle most of their heads. Inch middle fifty percent or more have been allowed to develop longer.

During some point in his profession, he even wore a short style that is quite more conservative standards. This style takes advantage of the natural curl in locks to allow him to avoid having to do any work for this design. Most efforts are needed along with this design is the need to reduce hair often.

Mario Balotelli has a hair style changed much over the period of his profession. He wears a short style conservative who would fit in almost any professional environment, the mind is completely shaved, and two different versions of the Mohawk. All of this design, except the head shaved, natural docked benefits required them to provide a design that required no effort on their part to create and / or style. He need only look at the barber often to keep the correct room.

Social Stigma Hair Loss in Women

Have you noticed a gradual and progressive increase in the number of hairs lost when combing or brushing? Perhaps after months or years of vain denial, you have to realize that the mirror does not lie, visible thinning has occurred. You are not alone if you have damage, increased spending on hair or significant hair loss.

Many women can cover it with wigs, hair extensions, hats or scarves. Others choose one of several approved drugs or surgical procedures are available to treat baldness.

Excessive hair loss or balding is mistakenly regarded as something that occurs in men, although strict women actually make up forty percent of American hair loss sufferers. In America, one in four, or more than 30 million women will find solutions and treatments for hair loss every year.

First of all, do not panic! Hair loss or hair shedding is consistent within the hair growth cycle and it is normal to lose some scalp hair each day. Human scalp has an average of about 100,000 to 150,000 individual hair and normal hair growth cycle results off or shedding of about 100 to 150 hairs every day. The new hair growth then emerges from this previously dormant hair follicles are the same, growing at an average rate of about half an inch per month.

Hair consists of two separate parts: the follicle and hair shaft. The follicle lies below the scalp and produce hair that we see growing out of our heads. Follicles are still alive, but only a strand of hair consists of dead cells that have no regenerative capacity.

For most people, 90% of our scalp hair is always in the past six years the growth phase (anagen) while the remaining 10% are in the active period (telogen), which lasted about three months. When the hair is shed dormant period ends, it is worrisome hairs we obsess on our combs, hair brushes, on our pillows down the drain or shower. Relax, some hair loss is normal.

Baldness or alopecia which occurs when the normal pattern of hair growth is impaired. Normal pattern of growth of human hair growing, resting, shedding and growing again. If the pattern of unbalanced growth, the hair does not grow back as easy as falling out. A family history of androgenetic alopecia increases the risk of balding. Offspring also affects the age at which you start to lose hair and the development, the pattern and level of your baldness.

What concerns us is not normally shed hairs, but we face look thinner in the mirror. For a woman, thick hair is the crowning glory of our lives, our pride visible. A luxurious full mane symbolizes the beauty of a woman and are integrally woven into our self-image. Our culture is identified with the female head of thick, smooth hair. Throughout recorded history, the picture is bright, full-bodied hair associated with beauty of women, youth, desire and good health. Society is unfair to identify dry, lack luster and thinning hair with old age, sickness and poverty.

Dramatic drop in prices on women's self-explanatory when their hair started falling out. Hair shedding is not physically painful, but often cause severe emotional distress. We are obsessed with our thin tresses as we battle depression and self-hatred. Women often become introverted and withdrawn from the world. We avoid intimate contact and making a vain attempt to disguise the quality and quantity of our hair.

Hair loss is very dangerous for those who have a profession or career where physical appearance plays an important role. A young woman is very vulnerable to stigma bald. Not until we are faced with the loss of our hair we are fully aware of how important hair is to our people as a whole.

A woman's hair is the thickest at the age of 20. Once we pass 20, however, our hair gradually begins to thin, shedding more than normal 100-150 hairs a day. With aging, the hair strands hold less pigment and become smaller so that what was once lush and thick hair of our youth to be thinner, smoother and lighter in color. Even for older women, hair loss can significantly threaten self-image. Meaning of a woman's sexuality and femininity as well as he set up shop in the family and society are often damaged by hair loss.

This is not surprising when people start balding. At the age of thirty-five of about 25 percent of American men will experience some degree of hair loss is pretty and about 75 percent are either bald or have balding patterns at age 60.

In men, hair loss is often considered a sign of manhood, a sign indicating that the male hormones that function at maximum capacity. To project strength and masculinity, men often choose to shave their heads.

Although many men are quite disappointed with a receding hairline, the study showed that the psychological pain of hair loss does not affect men as bad as the impact of women. What makes it so difficult to overcome hair loss is a frightening lack of control, feelings of inability to do anything to make our hair stopped falling out.

Causes of Hair Loss In Women

As we age, women face many changes and challenges: wrinkles, widening waist, cellulite deposits and thickening of the ankle. It seemed unfair to many of our hair loss is another blow to our self-esteem.

Male pattern baldness or Androgenetic Alopecia is the most common type of hair loss in women and genetic in nature. This type of female balding due to the chemical dihydrotestosterone, or DHT that builds up around the follicle and the air from time to time to destroy the hair shaft and hair follicle. Onset of pregnancy or menopause can cause fluctuations in estrogen production. Estrogen deficiency sufficient to produce testosterone-blocking enzymes, testosterone is then converted into DHT in the scalp. The result is shorter cycles of hair growth, smooth hair and excessive hair loss shedding and breakage. Some women experience increased hair loss several months after giving birth.

Genetics aside, there are many other reasons why women lose hair. Surgery, physical or emotional stress is extreme, hormonal imbalances, chemotherapy and scalp infections, but a few. Female hair loss can also be triggered by birth control drugs, certain prescription drugs or result from the use of chemicals or aggressive style that can cause permanent damage to the fragile hair follicles. Excessive shedding of hair can also be a symptom of rapid weight loss from fad-diets or dangerous eating disorders like anorexia. The use of drugs such as cocaine also will show a sudden shedding of hair and severe.

When To Contact A Medical Professional

Reacts intensively to the physical state of our hair thinning may seem like excessive pride, but did not. Baldness is not usually caused by disease, but more often associated with hereditary factors, aging and hormone function. However, changes in hair pattern of appearance, texture and growth may indicate a serious health problem. Hair is one of the first, along with the skin and nails, to reflect nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances and disease. It is wise to pay attention.

Woman's hair seems to be very sensitive to underlying medical conditions so it is important that women with hair loss are not diagnosed correctly evaluated by a doctor. If your hair is thinning is the result of a medical condition, your doctor will treat the disease and as a result you may experience a significant growth of new hair.

Once you and your doctor have identified the cause of your hair loss you may be referred to a specialist or hair implant surgeon to learn about available treatment options such as hair transplants or procedures to enhance growth or hide losses. For some types of alopecia, hair growth can resume normal without treatment.

A healthy balanced diet, regular exercise, hydration and rest can go a long way towards preventing hair loss and maximize the potential of your hair growth cycle.

Although medical research to go, these have proven useful in growing and maintaining a healthy head of hair.


Poor nutrition is often a cause of hair loss of hair is a reliable indicator of nutritional well being. Discuss your diet with your doctor, all medications and supplements you consume. Hair color is dull or dry and brittle hair may be an indicator of lack of essential fats in foods, greasy hair may be a sign of deficiency of vitamin B.

Recent medical studies have found that a high percentage of women with thinning hair iron deficiency and amino acid lysine. Difficult to obtain sufficient lysine through diet alone. Lysine is important in iron transport and is required to support hair growth. Lysine is found in eggs and red meat so vegetarians need to realize this potential deficiency in their diet.

The amino acid L-Cysteine ​​and L-Methionine is believed to improve hair texture, quality and growth.

Low-fat foods that rank high in protein, low carbohydrate, can play an important role in maintaining healthy hair growth and helps in preventing hair loss. Essential fatty acids essential for maintaining healthy hair found in walnuts, sunflower seeds, sardines, spinach, soybean and canola oils. Omega 3 and Omega 6 oils protect the heart and your hair so as to include salmon in your diet on a regular basis.

Herbal Remedies Offer Hope To Hair Loss

Discuss with your counselor or medical professional nutritional benefits of herbs. The following plants have a natural derivative nature to encourage a healthy head of hair.
  • Aloe
  • Arnica
  • Birch
  • Burdock
  • Catmint
  • Chamomile
  • Ponytail
  • Licorice
  • Marigold
  • Nettles
  • Parsley
  • Rosemary
  • Sage
  • Hair Care
Always choose organic natural products to avoid chemicals and toxins found in many hair care products. Chemicals can remove natural oils from the hair and cause damage and poor hair growth. Dye, hair permanent solutions enforcement and severely damage the hair shaft and follicle, and delicate balance of the scalp sebum.

Be gentle with your hair. Let the hair dry naturally instead of using a hair dryer. A natural bristle brush is very helpful in preventing damage. Do not force until completely dry. Wet hair is weak hair so handle with care. Avoid or breaking bad habits you may have it pull or twist the hair. Try not to constantly run your fingers through your hair, pulling hair and avoid hair clips or rubber bands are pulled in and decided the hair. Minimize the use mousse, gel and hair spray. Dry products and weight down the hair shaft and dull your hair's natural luster.

Avoid salt and chlorinated water while swimming. If exposed, wash hair with cold water and organic gentle shampoo and apply a mild conditioner. Sun worshipers must ensure that the hair care products have sunscreen properties to protect hair from damage from the effects of UV rays. Remember to wear a hat to prevent sunburn of the scalp.

Healthy Lifestyle

Hair loss is traumatic, but our hair is just part of who we are. I remind myself to keep my obsession with my hair loss in perspective and pleased with all the other areas of my life to be correct and balanced. Focus on the positive, eat well, rest well and at peace with who you are. Remember, that for some, the hair grows back as mysteriously as it disappeared.

Nandu Green is a lifestyle portal, offering high-quality, unique, exciting and innovative merchandise from around the world.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Natural Therapy Can Restore Scalp Hair

Excessive scalp hair loss is a tough challenge against a woman's self-image and standing in business and society. Although we usually think of balding as a matter of men, women actually make forty percent of people in North America suffer excessive hair loss. Many women lose a significant scalp hair have polycystic ovary syndrome. Safe, effective, natural therapies that treat hormonal imbalances associated with PCOS also will restore your hair for optimal health. I am pleased to offer these tools is needed to help you restore your hair and your health.

Women lose their hair rapidly losing ground in the world today. At work and in personal life of a woman's appearance has a lot to do with the financial and social success. Men also may choose not to go bald. But since this bald known to be caused by high levels of testosterone, balding man can be credited with an extra virility. Nothing like a happy story for bald women. The emergence of scalp hair thinning translated a significant loss of personal power for women.

The medical community generally treat female hair loss as a minor health problem. Most doctors have little inclination to address the emotional distress you feel. In many cases doctors treat bald as if "only" matter of pride, they may not recognize the hair loss as a red flag that points to a serious metabolic condition, including PCOS.

Psychological pain of hair loss and its impact on our understanding of empowerment as devastating as the disfiguring disease. If you are a bald woman, hair loss is a life-changing condition with major consequences for your health. Get your hands on the wheel and drove himself to the solution for hair loss is the first step toward reviving a sense of personal strength and power. If hair loss is part of PCOS, the effort you made to restore your physical health will also renew the growth of scalp hair.

You need expert help to correctly diagnose the cause of your hair loss. Hair loss can be just as likely to be permanent if you have a delayed or incorrect diagnosis. Diagnosis is probably the most frustrating aspects of hair loss for women. The information I present here will help you identify the causes of hair loss and ideally bring you and your physician for proper care for your type of hair loss, sooner rather than later.

Alopecia is the medical term for excessive or abnormal hair loss. There are different types of alopecia. What all have in common hair loss, whether it be male or female, is that it is always a symptom of something else that's gone wrong. Your hair will stay in your head in place if the hormonal imbalance, illness, or some other condition is not the case. These conditions may be as simple as having a gene that makes you susceptible to male pattern baldness or female. Or maybe as complex as a whole host of diseases. Hair loss may be a symptom of short-term events such as stress, pregnancy, or side effects of certain drugs. In this situation, the hair grows back when the event has passed. Substances, including hormones and drugs can cause changes in the pattern of hair growth. When this happens, growth and shedding occur at the same time. Once the cause is treated, the hair back to their random pattern of growth and shedding, and stop balding.

Alopecia: Common Problems

Today more women than ever are experiencing hair loss - and the cause is usually quite different that what causes balding in men. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, about 30 million U.S. women experience some degree of scalp hair loss distressing. The most common causes of hair loss in woman's scalp can include:

Mineral or vitamin deficiency - zinc, manganese, iron, vitamin B6, biotin

Essential fatty acid deficiency of low-calorie diet or eating disorders

Protein deficiency, as is common with vegetarian diet

Anemia from low iron diet, poor digestion or excessive blood loss

Eating disorders, like anorexia, bulimia, and even diet 'yo-yo', as well as physical exercise is excessive or compulsive

Drug toxicity, for example anesthesia with surgery or chemotherapy for cancer

Many prescription drugs have hair loss as an effect of 'sides' potential, including bromocriptine, beta blockers, ACE inhibitors, amphetamines, anti-cholesterol agent

Severe infections, either viral or bacterial

Severe stress, either extreme event of a sudden or sustained, long-term challenges

Each of the hypothalamus or pituitary disorders

Every heart, thyroid gland, adrenal gland or ovary disorders, including PCOS

Any imbalance of sex steroids such as low progesterone, estrogen dominance, excessive testosterone or insulin

Start or stop any hormone therapy, including birth control pills, menopausal hormone replacement treatment or thyroid hormone replacement

Every natural event that causes major hormonal changes, such as child birth, breastfeeding and weaning or menopause

Perms, hair color, bleach, improper brushing / combing, pulling hair

Autoimmune diseases like lupus or multiple sclerosis

Allergies to foods, drugs, environmental chemicals or topical medications

Hepatitis B last shot. If you have Hepatitis B vaccine because of this hair loss began, there may be a connection. An article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (278:117-8, 1997) connecting the Hep B vaccine to an increased incidence of alopecia in women.

How does an individual woman to find out why he was losing too much hair? To understand it, it's important to understand how hair grows.

Hair grows in cycles

Scalp hair grows about one half inch per month. An individual strand of hair will grow for two to six years. Finally, each hair "rests" for a while, and then fell. Soon after, the follicles will start growing a new strand. A healthy scalp will allow about 100 hairs fall out of cycling every day.

In people with a genetic predisposition to hair loss, and for women with PCOS, a hormone called androgen encourage this process. Androgens including testosterone, androsteinedione, and dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Men create and use a relatively large amount of androgen. Right, a smaller amount of androgen is essential for women's health as well.

In those who are genetically susceptible, testosterone activate the enzyme produced in the hair cells, which then causes it to be converted into more potent androgen DHT. DHT then binds with receptors deep within the hair follicle. Finally, DHT accumulated so much that the follicles begin to shrink. It can not reliably produce new hair. Some follicles are permanently stop producing new hair. The end result is a significant hair loss. The medical term for this condition is androgenic alopecia. Convert testosterone to DHT with the aid of Type II 5-alpha reductase enzyme, which was held in the oil glands of the hair follicle. Actually, it's not the amount of circulating testosterone is the problem but the amount of DHT your scalp and clog follicles to shrink, making it impossible for healthy hair to survive.

The process of testosterone converting to DHT, which then damage the hair follicle, which occurs in both men and women. Usually the woman has a fraction of the amount of testosterone that makes men. It seems that for women with hair loss, testosterone levels are actually not so important as the change in the amount of testosterone they have. A shift in hormone levels triggered by lifestyle or other factors, would cause DHT-triggered hair loss in women. Even when blood levels of the hormone remains in what doctors consider "normal", they can become high enough to cause problems for the individual woman. Levels may not rise at all and still be a problem if you are very sensitive to even normal levels of chemicals, including hormones.

Because we operate through a hormonal feedback system that is balanced, with the signals transmitted through the blood between the brain and body tissues, androgens do not need to be raised to trigger the problem. If the so-called female hormones, (which is also very important for men's health) is the reason for the shift in relation to androgen, the resulting imbalance can also cause problems, including hair loss.

Hormones are always changing. Testosterone levels in men fell by 10 percent every decade after age thirty. Female hormone levels change with each menstrual cycle, or due to lack of regular menstruation, pregnancy and menopause. Eating disorders, excessive exercise, drugs and environmental toxins can also affect hormone levels.

Keys To Successful Treatment

Head of hair thinning treatment should be based on changing your habits may have higher androgen support. Diet and exercise are the keys to maintaining optimal hormone balance. In fact, for women with PCOS, research-certainly no more effective than drug therapy proper diet and regular exercise. First, you get basic health habits in order; later, specific targeted therapies have the best chance to be effective for you.

Women with PCOS may also have an excess of coarse dark hair on their face and body. The only way to overcome the coarse, dark hair that grows from follicles that have been altered by androgen excess, is to destroy the follicle with a laser or similar treatment. Once the follicle has changed the type of hair it produces, it will not change back. It is important to tame the conversion of androgen excess and prevent additional follicles, before investing in therapies for hair follicles permanently damaging the face or body.

What Causes Hair Scalp Women Lose Too Much?

For a long time physicians believed that androgenic alopecia is the leading cause of balding in men and women. Now we know that the processes that lead to excessive hair loss in women is different. This is called female pattern hair loss.

Significant differences between male and female pattern balding is where hair loss occurs. Female pattern hair loss tends to occur as an overall thinning of the scalp in all fields, including the sides and back. Men lose hair from certain points, such as temples, crown, a bald patch on the back of the head. Male hormones and women and also the receptor sites of enzymes in various regions of the scalp, causing a different pattern of gender-related loss of hair loss.

The second major difference is that balding in men is usually caused by human genetics and age, but for women, balding can occur at any age.

Lifestyle choices, Disease and Medical Treatment Causes of Hair Loss

Most women with hair loss have several features of their event lifestyle, diet and related health that contribute. Fluctuations in sex hormone responsible for hair loss that most women, including those with PCOS, recent pregnancy, menopause, hormone replacement therapy or birth control side effects of drugs. Chemotherapy for cancer, anti-coagulant drug, iron deficiency anemia, autoimmune diseases can cause hair loss. Any disease of the gland to produce hormones, including thyroid, adrenal and pituitary glands can lead to bald women. It's important for all women to learn the true cause of hair loss before certain treatments.

Complex hormonal changes that accompany polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) often results in loss of scalp hair. Sometimes hair loss is the first sign that a woman suffering from a metabolic disorder that also causes problems with acne hair growth, facial and body, irregular menstrual cycles and infertility. PCOS is associated with an increased risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some cancers.

Thyroid disorders, anemia, chronic illness or use of certain medications, especially any form of hormone replacement therapy or contraceptive prescriptions, should be considered as possible causes of hair loss in women. Autoimmune disorders will produce somewhat different, often less dramatic hair loss known as alopecia areata - an inflammatory condition in which the hair out in clumps or patches.

Any decline in estrogen levels, as occurs after pregnancy, menopause, or when changing your hormone therapy including the use of birth control pills, will lead to the so-called estrogenic alopecia. In contrast to testosterone, estrogen helps head hair grow faster and remain in the head again, resulting in thicker hair. This is the reason for female hair gets fuller during pregnancy when estrogen levels are high enough, then the warehouse a few weeks after birth.

For women who do not have a fertility-related changes in hormones, estrogen deficiency of scalp hair loss usually starts around the menopause. Form of female hair loss can be the first sign of approaching menopause. Sometimes alopecia will not begin until several months or even years after menstruation has ended. Not all women get a real alopecia after menopause but most have little thinning.

It's not unusual to have a lot of factors involved in women's hair loss. Many women with PCOS have a thyroid problem, usually hypothyroidism (low thyroid function). Hypothyroidism not only contribute to weight problems, also can contribute to thinning hair. Some women with PCOS have too high levels of both testosterone and under active thyroid.

If your hair is thinning, you may have heavy metals such as lead, mercury or cadmium in your network. This toxic residue saturated our environment. If you live near what is, or ever any industrial or mining areas, or living with someone who works in a polluting industry, you may be contaminated. If you ever smoked tobacco, you have a lot of cadmium in your body.

The majority of women with androgenic alopecia have diffuse thinning on all areas of the scalp. Some women may have a combination of two types of patterns. Androgenic alopecia is caused by various factors associated with hormone action, including PCOS, contraception, pregnancy, and menopause. Any blood sugar and insulin imbalances will cause androgen excess. Women with insulin resistance, chronic over-eating of refined carbohydrate foods, will see more impact of androgen. PCOS is associated with insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Chronic stress can change the spending levels of the adrenal glands produce androgens women as well. This is often a source of problems such as infertility, acne and hair thinning in the lean, athletic women with PCOS. Heredity may play a role in androgenic alopecia.

Every major event such as childbirth or breastfeeding, malnutrition of a change in your diet, severe infection, major surgery, or extreme stress, can suddenly shifted away from the 90 percent or more of your hair is in resting phase or phase to grow shedding phase. You will see a shift in the rate of hair loss 6 weeks to three months after the stressful event. This is called telogen effluvium. It is possible to lose a big bunch of hair each day with a full-blown telogen effluvium. Usually this type of hair loss is reversible, if the main stress is avoided. For some women however, telogen effluvium is a mysterious chronic disorder and may persist for months or years, without ever really identify all the factors triggering.

Anagen effluvium occurs when cells of hair follicles are so damaged they can not recover or reproduce. This is usually due to the toxicity of chemotherapy for cancer. Chemotherapy is intended to destroy rapidly dividing cancer cells. Hair follicles in phase (anagen) is growing, because it is vulnerable. Anagen effluvium mean hair shaft narrows as a result of damage to the follicle. Silent on the narrowing of the shaft and causing hair loss.

Traction alopecia is the destruction of the hair styles that pull on the hair from time to time (braiding, cornrows, ponytails, extensions). If this condition is detected early enough, you can change your style of practice to be gentle on the follicles, and your hair will grow back.

Hormonal contraception is the main cause of hair loss and other symptoms distressing to the woman. Because birth control pills first came into use in 1960, oral contraceptives, injections, implants, skin patches and vaginal rings have become the most commonly prescribed form of birth control.

Unfortunately, many young women who were given hormonal contraceptives even when they are not sexually active, as the 'treatment' for irregular menstruation or acne. This is a mistake. This is not a treatment that addresses the underlying cause period problems or acne. Hormonal contraceptives would greatly complicate the balance of female hormones and can cause health problems, including significant hair loss and acne worse.

All contraceptive drugs using synthetic hormones to suppress ovulation. These drugs cause your ovaries to stop working, they are in such a state of 'sleep'. Instead of having the results of your natural cycle of a signal between the body and dance your brain, your network will be subject to the synthetic hormones in quantities much larger than your body normally makes. There are long and short term consequences of many of ovarian suppression. Most women experience side effects of contraceptive drugs, including hair loss either during or several weeks or months after stopping the drug.

An article appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association (278:117-8, 1997) that connects the Hepatitis B vaccine for the increased incidence of balding in women.

Diagnostic testing

To successfully treat hair loss, it is important to understand why your hair follicles are not healthy. There are diagnostic tests that can help identify the underlying biochemistry that contributed to your excess hair loss. However, many women with significant chemical imbalances associated with hair loss they will find that the test results are within the range of "normal". That's because in many cases hair loss is a health disorder phase is the initial phase of an illness that will eventually be fully developed. Lifestyle and diet habits that eventually lead to type 2 diabetes and heart disease will also cause thinning of scalp hair and facial hair coarsening in young women. It is usually many years before the same women who have undergone diagnostic tests that reveal they have diabetes or coronary artery disease. Lots of women have undiagnosed PCOS.

Selective sensitivity is a fundamental problem

Another reason why diagnostic tests may be confusing is because of something called 'selective sensitivity' or 'selective resistance. Apparently some of the body cells more sensitive than others with the same amount of hormones. The main complicating factor for some women is that while the muscle and fat may be insulin resistant, not organ cell types. Pituitary gland, ovary, adrenal and a woman that insulin resistance induced by insulin levels higher than desired, leading to high testosterone for example. High levels of androgens in turn increases the risk for heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.

Although these difficulties may be, it is important to do our best to determine what is and is not the primary cause of persistent symptoms such as excessive hair loss. Diagnostic tests that may help identify the source of imbalance in your metabolism are:

Hair pull test is a simple diagnostic test in which doctors draw a small amount of hair lighter (about 100 at the same time) to determine whether there is excessive loss. Normal ranges from zero to three hairs per pull.

Hormone levels: Dehydroepiandrosterone, testosterone, androstenedione, prolactin, sex hormone binding globulin, follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone. It is ideal for samples for FSH and LH on days 19 to 21 of your menstrual cycle, when the days can be identified.

Fasting blood glucose and insulin as well as cholesterol and triglycerides

A complete blood count plus serum iron, ferritin and total iron binding capacity

Thyroid stimulating hormone plus thyroid panel functions including uptake% T3, T4, and T3

VDRL to screen for syphilis

A scalp biopsy should be performed before selecting a transplant surgeon

Densitometry, the magnification, use the check shrinking of the hair shaft.

Conventional Medical Treatment For Hair Loss

You may be interested in operating a drug therapy to overcome the profound suffering from excessive hair loss. This is just human nature to expect a simple pill or procedure that will permanently free us from our problems. Unfortunately, the drug never really give a simple solution. Once you ingest chemicals, was delivered throughout your body, it affects your whole body. We can not control the drug so that they only have the effect we want, there are always side effects are more or less problematic. Using drug therapy means trading one problem for some others. Sometimes this is exactly the right thing to do. At other times it was a personal disaster. Most drugs will act on all the networks you have side effects dangers of further damage to your health. Topical treatments applied directly to the scalp using the lowest dose, and is the choice of the least dangerous drugs.

You will enjoy the best results when you begin treatment as soon as possible after the hair loss begins. Stop the adverse effects of androgen means you can prevent further hair loss. And you can support the regrowth of dormant follicles are still healthy. Depending on how the agent you choose to work, stopping the treatment will cause hair loss continues, unless you have also made other changes in your lifestyle that make androgens in levels of healthy and not harmful to you.

Below you will find a list of treatments currently being used to treat hair loss in women. Some of these drugs has not been approved by the FDA for certain applications, but they have all been approved for other applications and used "off label" to treat hair loss. Currently 2% topical minoxidil is the only FDA approved treatment for female pattern hair loss.

The effectiveness of these agents and methods will vary from woman to woman, but many women have found that using this treatment has made a positive difference in the character of their hair and their positive self-esteem. As always, treatments have the best chance of being effective if they are tailored to the cause of hair loss and hair growth trigger.

Estrogen and progesterone hormone replacement therapy (HRT), usually prescribed for menopausal women for whatever reason, probably the most common form of systemic treatment for androgenic alopecia in women.

Oral contraceptives will reduce ovarian androgen production, and thus can be used to treat female androgenic alopecia. There is a big reason to avoid using both synthetic hormone treatments or bio-identical to your hair loss. Some birth control pills actually contribute to hair loss with a trigger or increase it once it's triggered by something else. Every woman may have a selective sensitivity to the hormone combination-the so-called low-androgen effect formula for one woman may be the effect of high androgen for others.

I no longer recommend the use of birth control pills or other hormone-based contraceptive for young women. Decades of evidence suggests there is little known, and may not have known health risks associated with using ANY of the reproductive hormones, either prescription or over-the-counter forms. It is clear that the benefits of hormonal contraception is accompanied by significant risks, including making it more likely that a woman will experience hormonal imbalance that causes a long list of negative effects. Hormone replacement puts you at risk for:

Depression or mood disorders; decreased libido

Migraine and headache

Breast lumps, tenderness and enlargement

Vaginal bleeding between periods

High blood pressure (hypertension)

High Cholesterol

Blood clots in the legs, perceived as: pain in the calf, leg cramps, leg or foot swelling

Blood clots in the lungs, feeling as: shortness of breath, sharp chest pain; coughing up blood

Heart attack, feeling as: chest pain or heavy

Sudden loss of vision or vision changes, which could be a sign of a blood clot in the eye

Cerebral vascular accident (stroke): impaired vision or speech; weakness or numbness in the limbs; severe headache

Liver damage, seen as: yellow eyes or skin; dark urine, abdominal pain

Allergic reactions: rash; hives, itching, swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing


Bloating, nausea and vomiting

Changes in your eyes that makes it more difficult to wear contact lenses

If you choose prescription hormone for any reason, you should be sure to use only low-androgen content method. If you have a strong tendency for genetic hair loss, insulin resistance, diabetes, heart disease or cancer of the female organs in your family I highly recommend the use of other non-hormonal forms of birth control.

Below is a list of birth control pills androgen index ranging from lowest to highest:

Desogen, Ortho-CEPT, Ortho-Cyclen, Ortho Tri-Cyclen, Micronor, Nor-Q D, Ovcon-35, Brevicon / Modicon, Ortho Norvum 7/7/7, Ortho Novum 10-11, Tri-Norinyl, Norinyl and Ortho 1/35, Demulen 1/35, Triphasil / Tri-Levien, Nordette, Lo / Ovral, Ovrette, Ovral, Loestrin1/20, Loestrin 01.05.30.

The following hormonal contraception has the potential to cause hair loss or make it worse:

Progestin implants, such as Norplant, are small rods implanted surgically beneath the skin. Rods release a continuous dose of progestin to prevent ovarian function.

Progestin injections, such as Depo-Provera, are given into the muscles of the upper arm or buttock.

Skin patch (Ortho Evra) is inserted into your shoulder, buttocks, or other location. It releases progestin and estrogen continuously to prevent your ovaries from producing a normal cycle.

Vaginal ring (NuvaRing) is a flexible ring that is inserted into the vagina. This method releases the lowest amount of progestin and estrogen.

Topical minoxidil 2% treatment - minoxidil appears to be more effective for women than men, to enhance the growth of scalp hair. Manufacturers of minoxidil recommend women use minoxidil 2%. There is a solution of 5% are available that have been tested and declared safe enough for him. Because minoxidil makers have not invested in the cost of getting FDA approval for promoting 5% minoxidil for use by women, should be prescribed and used under medical supervision. Small clinical trials on minoxidil 5% for women showed that a solution of 5% is actually more effective in both maintaining and regrowing hair than 2% solution.

Spironolactone (Aldactone) is a potassium-sparing diuretics used to treat high blood pressure and swelling. Spironolactone slows androgen production in the adrenal glands and ovaries. This prevents DHT from binding to receptors in hair follicles.

Cimetidine (Tagamet) is a histamine blocker, is approved to treat gastrointestinal ulcers. This prevents the stomach from producing digestive enzymes. Cimetidine has also been shown to block DHT from binding to hair follicle receptor sites.

Cyproterone acetate is used to reduce sexual aggression in men. Cyproterone acetate block DHT in the hair follicle receptors. It has significant toxicity and long-term side effects and are not available in the United States.

Ketoconazole is a prescription topical treatment. It is mainly used as an antimicrobial for the treatment of skin fungus. This suppresses the production of androgens by the adrenal glands, testes and ovaries. Nizoral shampoo contains ketoconazole 2%. There are versions of over-the-counter medications available. It has a 1% active ingredient and not as effective as prescription strength.

Finasteride is a drug that inhibits the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, an enzyme that disable DHT. It is sold as Proscar to treat enlarged prostate in men. Sold as Propecia was approved by the FDA for bald men. Women do not have to accept it if they are pregnant or might become pregnant because the risk of feminizing effects on male fetuses.

Surgical Implants

Because hair restoration surgery is an option for most of the bald man, a woman may want to consider it. However, this type of hair loss most women suffer from hair transplant a bad idea.

Many women who have this type of hair loss that makes them good candidates for a surgical solution. Most men lose hair in a clear area, such as receding forehead or classic round dots at the top of the skull. Little clumps or plugs of hair are removed from the area in which the stable and healthy follicles, and these were transplanted to other areas of the head. Women more often experience overall thinning throughout the scalp, including the sides and back. Most women have some reliable stable donor sites. Offered to transplant hair from the donor site is not medically stable unethical and women should not let their suffering on bald to get in the way of cool-eyed look at the reasons behind the choice of treatment offered.

Are there women are good candidates for hair transplantation? Yes, some. Fraction, 2% to 5% of women will have this type of hair loss that will benefit from this type of procedure. They are:

Women who suffer from hair loss due to non-hormonal causes, such as traction alopecia.

Women who have scarring of the scalp of some kind of injury or surgery to improve cosmetic and hair loss around the incision or injury site.

Women who have a healthy donor sites and stable along with the bald in different patterns, such as a receding hairline or thinning at the top of the head.

Natural Remedies for Hair Loss Women

Safe, effective natural therapies that are available to help you restore the health of the scalp and promote hair growth. Like all natural therapies, to be maximally effective, it is important to work with you as an individual. Some drugs will be more useful to you than others, depending on the status of your unique, personal health physically, mentally and emotionally. It is always important to spend your health care dollars as well. I offer consulting services to help you choose and make best use of available options for treatment. Please visit your local ND to find out how to profit from personal consultations. You will receive a recommendation for a specific natural therapy, which is designed for your unique health status, to help you recover your health, your scalp and hair to it's full beauty and the most fun.

Different Methods of Hair Removal

Hair is an emotive subject and the human nature of human nature, what we want we can not have and what we have we do not want! Hair curly and we wanted to straight, hair straight and we wanted to curly, haired brown and we wanted to blond, blond and we wanted to red. Similarly, the upper lip hair in women, so valued as a sign of exquisite beauty in some parts of the world, vilified by the West.

Unwanted hair is a common problem that affects most women to varying degrees throughout their lives and encourage the use of temporary methods of hair reduction hair or various management systems. This causes great distress, and often accompanied by feelings of poor self-esteem, a sense of isolation and low self worth.

Since the time when the bearded lady in a traveling exhibition of Victoria on display for entertainment and ridicule, Western society has maintained stigma of excess hair. Many women are pressured to extraordinary lengths to remove traces of hair from each and every part of their body because they feel unattractive and uninteresting. But it's not just women who are now exposed ... the male gender is subject to the pressures of 'fashion' and the world of celebrities and unwanted hair can be just as vilified by the adult male population as a woman.

Different Methods of Hair Removal

Excessive hair growth can be caused by many factors, such as hormonal imbalances, (during puberty, pregnancy and menopause), genetics and ethnicity, ancestry, or drugs such as waxing or tweezing topical stimulation. By the because it, electrolysis - only method of permanent hair removal, is a treatment which very enthused by the clients women and waria and the new-new, because attitudes society, the number clients men increased.

To meet this demand as usual there are many hair removal measure some of which go back centuries in history. Hair removal has been around since the caveman era, but interesting parts of our body hair is different dump for centuries. Remove hair from their heads and faces of men at first not for vanity but for survival. There is evidence that humans cave do this but also person ancient Egypt and done, us imagine, for protection, such as the friction from beard and hair in the head akan take advantage from enemy have whatever it for holding onto as well as having of less mites!

In ancient Egyptian, Greek and Middle Eastern states, removing body hair is important. Even the women are removed most of their body hair, except eyebrows. Egyptian women removed hair of the head and pubic hair is considered unethical by both sexes! It is also considered unethical for him to have hair on their faces. Facial hair is to a sign from a slave or a servant, or person from lower classes. The ancient Egyptians used forms of razors made of flint or bronze as the razor was not invented until 1760 by a French barber, Jean Jacques Perret.

They also use a temporary method of hair removal called sugaring. A sticky paste (bees wax is sometimes used) will be applied to the skin, cloth strip is pressed into the wax and pulled off - equivalent to a current waxing. Wealthy women of the Roman Empire would remove their body hair with pumice stones, razors, tweezing and pasta. There is also another technique used is called threading which recently saw a resurgence in popularity. A thin string or thread will be placed through the fingers of both hands, and quickly stroked over the area. Iterative process and effective hair tweezed arrested, tear or pull out unwanted hair. During the Elizabethan practice of hair removal, (instead of the legs, armpit or pubic hair), eyebrows and the hair from their forehead to give the appearance of the eyebrows and forehead are fashionable again. It is surprising to note 'fashion' obvious influences have played in the hair removal from the beginning.

Waxing, sugaring, depilatory creams, bleaching, shaving, sugaring, plucking, threading, and even battery-powered lift dual tweezers system, are all temporary methods that many people try it today. Even a new hair removal device seems to appear like a bus - every 20 minutes or more! However, technology has moved on and with it, it appears that there are several methods of hair removal is limited and uncertain. X-rays and photodynamic methods are limited in this category because the former has been banned in some countries like the United States and the latter only in the experimental stage. Electric tweezers, transdermal electrolysis, and microwaves are some methods that there is no doubt that the data is established in their effectiveness.

Electrolysis is still the only proven method of permanent hair removal and many women, and indeed many men, have benefited from this treatment is tried and trusted. It is often the case that electrologists are privileged to witness the dramatic transformation in their clients, of personality, shy, introverted at the beginning of a treatment program, for individuals who are confident and happy after the treatment is ongoing and the results became clear.

Whatever your opinion about the hair, 'out' in our Western society is a multi-million pound industry. Like a big money making machine even though it will have more than its fair share of misunderstandings, misconceptions, myths and legends there are many associated with the hard truth of reality. Led by gains of hair removal industry has its fair share of swindlers and frauds of all interested in a big profit opportunity-led.

Hair removal methods are both permanent and temporary. English dictionary definition of 'permanent' state: the eternal, timeless. With this in mind there is only one system on the market today that can actually prove 'permanent' hair removal is mainly due, in testimony of his client's satisfaction and longevity and it is electrolysis. Electrolysis was created in 1875 offers permanent hair removal for all hair types and colors and all skin types and colors. It continues to be used in hospitals by surgeons and ophthalmologists to trichaisis and other distortions of the lashes as well as supporting the hospital department of laser hair removal. It is also considered an important tool in the work of veterinary surgeon for animals (especially horses and dogs) for permanent removal of aberrant lashes and grow. It provides consumers with the help of cosmetics for mild hirsutism problems of patients with hirsutism and serious problems for transgender patients who may require many hours of treatment.

Apparently there have been confusing messages coming from the regulatory body on the definition of what a 'permanent' words, 'removal' or 'reduction' in the hair removal industry really means. Agreement was reached that if the hairs have been removed does not grow back for a period of one year after the last treatment, permanent reductions can be claimed. Electrolysis, was created in 1875 remains to this day, the method of the law allowed for 'permanent removal' claims.

Newer technologies such as LASER (Light Amplification Stimulated Emission of Radiation) and IPL (Intense Pulse Light) was originally launched as a competitor of the electrolysis and was originally marketed as THE answer to all permanent hair removal. This, now realized, is the best, somewhat nave and at worst, of course misleading. The reality is that this is wishful thinking and the 'claim' is much more realistic now. The truth is that while they have their success they also have their limitations - they can not treat all types of hair color and skin color and all succeed, and they now accept their limitations and embrace the electrolysis and electrologists as a back up them.

Laser and IPL are allowed by the FDA to claim permanent 'reductions' but not permanent 'removal' hair. The truth is that the newer technology is brilliant for large areas and for dark hair. For gray hair or white it just simply does not work. Laser and IPL targets melanin in the hair and if your hair gray or white there is no melanin in the hair is left for it to target. In addition, for some unknown reason (s), not all hairs respond to treatment and results vary from 85% - 95% success. The remaining 5% - 15% of hair melanin will lose it (so it appears white) but it still stubbornly continues to grow. This then leave one-only option from 'hair removal permanent' into treatment electrolysis additional for the complete the job. Laser and IPL is now recognized to be the system of 'management' and clients are advised that hair regrowth can occur.

Photoepilator light energy was launched in 1969 and developed from the research of laser hair removal. Photoepilators filtered using a burst of light aimed at one hair at a time. After focusing the light, the hair tweezed. Instruments such as lasers and light, the light used in these devices are targeted to the pigment melanin in the blood and hair and heats them. To activate the process this, optical fiber probe is inserted into the follicles the hair at which the light it flashed. There are no clinical data published so far to support the claims of immortality, and no data has been founded on its effectiveness.

Clamp method with an unsubstantiated claim of 'permanent hair removal' was first patented in 1959. This system works by passing an electric current through a pair of tweezers, which holds the hair on the surface of the skin by holding them for several minutes. Electrical entry through the hair roots and claims to permanently damage it. The scientific community has reservations as the claim of power to destroy the hair root has no scientific backup.

Transdermal transcutaneous offerings and 'permanent Hair Removal' but no clinical data have been published to date to establish the claim that permanent hair removal may be using this method. In 1985 when it discontinued the use of AC electric tweezers, manufacturers are making some modifications to the equipment. Adhesive patch of cotton instead of cotton was introduced and changes its name to transcutaneous hair removal. Using the idea of ​​direct current (DC) for transdermal drug delivery (iontophoresis) without using a needle. A DC electric current is passed through a conductive gel on the skin surface via an adhesive patch placed on the skin. Hair root is claimed to be permanently damaged by an electrical current that moves up into the hair follicle.

To date no clinical data available and the laws of physics do not support the claims made by manufacturers. Hair does not conduct electricity but not the skin. Such as poor electrical resistance through the media, will spread along the surface of the skin and not through the hair. Therefore, as with the clamp method, the argument that it would reach to destroy the hair root has no scientific backup.

USG hair removal claims that ultrasound waves transmitted right down the hair shaft and in the process to convert the heat energy they are super heats the hair growth and inhibit regrowth. Mentioned that the waves bound to the hair shaft and do not disappear into the skin to prevent side effects.

USG hair removal offers a 'total hair removal and claims to be' the next generation of the long term hair removal '. It states in marketing material that it is' The hair removal solution 'and that' no additional hair follicles appear in the same proves that this is a long-term treatment. FDA not yet provide results until currently this regarding the applications to a market on month of April 2010 from latest devices.

Permanent Hair microwave deletion is one of the more unusual methods of permanent hair and both safety and effectiveness have not been proven scientifically. Microwave devices work the same way as those used in microwave ovens. Microwaves are radio waves with a short frequency range. One of the characteristics of microwaves are absorbed by the nature of water, fat and sugar. After absorbed, this wave causes the molecule-molecule within item absorbed vibrate, so the generation the heat. So the skin is heated and the theory of heat energy causes damage to cells that grow hair. But the indiscriminate nature of microwave heating is the biggest weakness and the reason for limited use

Some oral medications found to be effective in slowing hair growth. Spironolactone, Finasteride, Flutamide, cyproterone acetate and some drugs that are commonly used to stop hair growth. The main disadvantage in this is the side effects of these drugs on the human body. Therefore, it is always advisable to use it in consultation with a doctor or dermatologist. Vaniqa is the recipe only the cream topical, who approved FDA. It claims to assist in the growth of unwanted facial hair with the active ingredient, eflornithine hydrochloride, which helps in reducing the growth of facial hair. It prevents hair growth by inhibiting the enzyme that produces reproductive cells and other cell functions. The report shows that there is some improvement shown but only during the drug used.

So to summarize hair removal and hair reduction, is an emotional thing, and easily seduced by new-generation device, image sexy and smart technical jargon presented by the 'white coat'. Every person is different and we have our own personal needs, temporary or permanent, may be a mixture of both? Researching and selecting the method (s) suitable for you, but if you want to remove hair permanently secured. One-only method proven give is electrolysis.

What's wrong with my hair Falling Out

"Gads Yeeee my hair! Loss!" It is a cry that can affect your whole family for a long time, awkward moments. What's with your hair? Is gone forever?

Let us clear up the confusion and try to notch down some panic about what kind of look in the mirror.

About Hair
Healthy hair only looks good. The more healthy scalp and hair follicles, the better your hair will look. If you start experiencing hair loss and a general decline in the overall health of the hair and scalp, it may have been deteriorating for a while, and you just see the effect.

Hair grows in cycles of three phases. Each individual hair is in growth phase (anagen phase) for 2-6 years, before entering the transition phase (catagen phase) for 1-2 weeks, and then a resting phase (telogen phase) for 5-6 weeks. After that, the hair dies and falls out. Then back to the follicle growth phase, and new hair starts to grow.

In normal, healthy adults, the estimated percentage of hair in three different phases are:

    84% in phase (anagen) growth
    0-1% in phase (catagen) transition
    14-15% in phase (telogen) break

Back your hair follicles to anagen growth cycle is the goal of any plan to regrow healthier hair.

DHT Effects On the hair follicles

The medical term for hair loss is alopecia. It is defined as a situation where 20% or more of one's hair is in phase (resting) telogen.

In the case of alopecia, hair growth cycle has been altered so that the anagen (growth) phase is shortened. This leads to increased percentage of hairs in the catagen and telogen phases.

Enzyme conversion of testosterone creates a compound called Di-Hydro Testosterone (DHT). Effect of DHT on hair follicles and oil glands of the scalp can damage the anagen phase that you want to lengthen.

In areas of hair thinning or loss, the follicles have more sites that DHT can attach, and more DHT at those sites. This buildup of DHT near the follicles can shorten the growth phase and increase the number of hairs in the transitional and resting phase. Continuation of the buildup of DHT will actually shrink the hair follicles, causing hair to become thinner, weaker, and look less healthy.

Reality Check: No product known today will grow hair without a viable hair follicle. Only healthy hair follicles to grow hair.

A healthy hair follicle can resist the negative effects of DHT buildup and continue the normal growth cycle is more than an unhealthy one can. Hair care products that attempt to reduce DHT work by binding to the same site on the hair follicles attached to DHT. It inhibits the abnormal response of follicles to DHT, thereby inhibiting the damage that causes weakness and loss of hair.

Nutritional supplements recommended by a naturopathic physician work by helping the body to normalize hormone levels, while increasing circulation of nutrients and elimination of waste products from the hair follicle. This increases the strength of the follicle and protects it from further damage.

Amount of enzyme that creates DHT conversion of testosterone, as well as the amount of testosterone or cortisol, estimated genetically determined. This is why some people tend to have fewer problems with DHT than others.

The good news is that a person's genetic expression (ie, how their bodies right now) can be changed by what people who are not in the coming weeks, months and years, and how they do it. With the advances in scientific understanding of physical events, you can arm yourself with the right information and learn to make the changes necessary to stop the hair loss problem. We will further explain how.

Hair Loss

A variety of health conditions and environmental factors can cause hair loss. Similarly, different approaches can be taken to stop hair loss and even grow hair back.

Of course, having great hair is important to us, but the body has many other important things to be done continuously. Some higher priority than maintaining lustrous hair - things like breathing, eliminating waste, absorbing food, protecting themselves from infection, escape from danger, and so forth. If the body has a limited budget of energy, nutrition, and strength, began to direct resources to the tasks that are considered most important. This is fortunate for us.

If stressful events occur to lower that 'budget,' the body may feel the need to prioritize other functions that are higher than the growth of hair.

For example, if a person experiences a series of radiation treatments to kill the cancer, treatment of primary stress imposed on the body. The first priority of the body then become living, breathing, growing another good hair day. As a result, hair loss is often a result of radiation treatment. Hair grows back after this type of trauma as possible, but depending on the state of the hair follicle and the overall capacity of the person to return to health. Naturopathic doctor called it "vital force" them.

Major Causes of Hair Loss

Hair loss may also be caused by various types of injuries to the scalp, such as burns, radiation, acid spills, or scrapes. If the follicles are destroyed and replaced by smooth skin or scar tissue, lotion or vitamin routine will not very likely restore hair growth. At this point, it may be time for an implant, a weave, wig, toupee or a. Or maybe just time to accept the reality of the lack of hair. Bald can be beautiful too.

Furthermore, various diseases, genetic predisposition, and auto-immune disorders can direct the body to ignore the health of the hair follicle, or even a direct attack. Some attacks may be triggered by environmental toxins, the side effects of drugs, nutritional deficiencies, irregularities of hormone metabolism, or poor elimination of waste. Here, we can discuss lifestyle choices and explanations of the natural sciences such as nutrition, physiology, and biochemistry to the eyes glaze over.

If you have been taking anti-depression drugs like Zoloft or Paxil, you should be aware that the known side effects from drugs can include hair loss. Vicious cycle of compounding one's depression by having to deal with hair loss makes this drug thing worth trying to avoid. Work with your doctor and savvy about drug use, because many drugs have a negative effect on hair growth.

If you are a "stress puppy," and the slightest disruption in the plans tears you to pieces for hours or days, your body's response to those stress hormones can be yet another factor in hair loss and graying. Some stress management training or anger resolution would be your best bet, while treating the resultant hair loss with physical medicines and lotions.

Sudden Hair Loss

Sudden hair loss can occur after severe psycho-physical stress such as illness, menopause birth, job loss, or loss of loved ones. This type of hair loss appears within weeks or months of trauma, depending on the severity. It is often reversible with time, healing emotional and physical support of the principles described here.

Hair Loss in Women

Women rarely lose their hair for reasons of genetic predisposition. They, however, experience hair loss from other causes we have mentioned. In addition, women more often consumers of hair treatments that are known to damage the hair and cause damage and thinning. Rough handling, harsh commercial shampoos, perms, hair color, bleach, and cosmetics all can damage the hair follicle. Hormone fluctuations through life events of men or women also contribute to stress on the physical condition of the hair follicle.

Factors to Consider

Does your body need to keep your hair looking good? Factors that includes good nutrition, effective elimination of waste, exercise affects the circulation, good attitude, safe non-toxic products, and reasonable protection from injury. These contribute to healthy glandular functions, especially of the thyroid, adrenal, gonads, and liver. If the link in the chain of hormone functions are weak or broken, your hair will probably be a bit of your problem. It just might be the most visible in your mirror, though.

Before you spend a large amount of money on lotions or supplements to treat hair loss, try to figure out what is causing your hair loss, and change what you can about the underlying situation.

Get help from your doctor to find out the causes of internal. Have your hormone levels tested for thyroid, adrenal, pituitary, and ovarian or testicular function. Make sure your nutritional intake and digestive function normally. Again, this is a complex issue. It may take some lotion and the study of natural remedies that are available to find a plan that works for you, but the benefits to your health and your appearance will be worth the effort.

Medical Hair Restoration

 Medical hair restoration in the literal sense includes the hair loss treatment which depends on the use of drugs.

Unusual hair loss in both men and women are caused by changes in androgen metabolism. Androgens are male hormones that have a major role to play in the regulation of hair growth or hair loss. Dermal papilla is the most important structures in the hair follicle responsible for hair growth. It is the dermal papilla, the cells divide and differentiate to give rise to new hair follicles. Dermal papilla is in direct contact with blood capillaries in the skin to obtain nutrients for growing hair follicle. Research has shown that dermal papilla got many androgen receptors and studies have confirmed that males have more androgenic receptors in dermal papilla their follicles as compared with women.

Metabolism of androgen involves an enzyme called 5 alpha reductase which combines with the hormone androgen (testosterone) to form the DHT (dihydro-testosterone). DHT is a natural metabolite of our body which is the root cause of hair loss.

Proper nutrition is essential for the maintenance of hair. When DHT into the hair follicles and roots (dermal papilla) prevents necessary proteins, vitamins and minerals from providing food required to sustain life in their hair follicles. As a result, hair follicles are reproduced at a much slower rate. This shortens their growing stage (anagen phase) and or extend their resting stage (telogen phase) of the follicle. DHT also causes hair follicles to shrink and get progressively smaller and more delicate. This process is known as miniaturization and causes the hair to ultimately fall. DHT is responsible for 95% of hair loss.
Some people both men and women are genetically pre-disposed to produce more DHT than the normal. DHT also creates a wax-like substance around the hair roots. It is the accumulation of DHT in the hair follicles and roots which is one of the main causes of male and female pattern loss of hair.

Blocking the synthesis of DHT at molecular level forms the basis for the treatment of MPHL (pattern hair loss male) and female pattern hair loss FPHL). There are many natural DHT blockers and a number of drugs used for medical hair restoration.

Let's look at the main drugs available for medical hair restoration in men and women.


Minoxidil has the distinction of the first drug used to promote hair restoration. This medical hair restoration treatment drug used previously as an oral antihypertensive drug, but after its hypertrichosis (excessive body hair) effects are noticed, a topical solution was tested for potential drugs to grow hair. Minoxidil then approved as medical hair restoration treatment drug for men by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1988 as a 2% solution, followed by a solution of 5% in 1997. For women, 2% solution was approved in 1991. Although a solution of 5% is not approved for women, is used as a hair restoration treatment in the medical world by many dermatologists. Both solutions are available without a prescription in the United States.

Mechanism of action

Minoxidil is thought to have a direct mitogenic effect on epidermal cells, as has been observed both in vitro in vivo. Although the mechanism of its action for causing cell proliferation is not very clear, minoxidil is thought to prevent intracellular calcium entry. Calcium normally increases epidermal growth factor inhibits hair growth, and Minoxidil by getting converted to minoxidil sulfate acts as a potassium channel agonist and increased potassium ion permeability to prevent calcium ions enter the cell.

Thought the exact action of minoxidil preventing the formation of DHT has not been proven but the drug has been shown to have a stabilizing effect on hair loss. The results of the drug takes about few months time to become apparent because it is the time required to restore the normal growth cycle of hair fibers.

Use of Minoxidil has been approved by the FDA for men (Norwood II-V) and women (Ludwig I-II) older than 18 years. It is used as a medical hair restoration treatment either for frontal or vertex scalp thinning. This brings about an increase in density is largely due to the conversion of miniaturized hairs into terminal hairs rather than de novo stimulate regrowth. Hair loss becomes stabilized after continued use of the drug, which takes about a year for medical hair restoration treatment shows complete results.

Hair loss restoration treatment with betamethasone dipropionate 0.05% and minoxidil 5% topical minoxidil are found to be superior.
Topical minoxidil is very well tolerated and side effects, especially in dermatology. The most common side effect is irritant contact dermatitis.

Although minnoxidil not have any effect on blood pressure, it should be used with caution in patients with cardiovascular disease. It is also contraindicated in pregnant and lactating mothers.


The drug finasteride was earlier used as treatment for prostate enlargement, under the name of the medical Proscar. But in 1998, was approved by the FDA for the Medical hair loss restoration in MPHL.

Mechanism of Action

Medical hair restoration treatments with Finasteride depends on the specific action as inhibitors of type II 5α-reductase, an enzyme that converts intracellular androgen male hormone into DHT (dihydro testosterone). Its actions result in a significant reduction in serum and tissue DHT levels in even in concentrations as low as 0.2mg. Finnasteride able to stabilize hair loss in 80% of patients with Vertex hair loss and in 70% of patients with frontal hair loss. Most patients are able to grow more hair or retain what they have. The odd thing about Propecia is that its effect is more pronounced than at the front of the crown area. Hair that grows after the medical hair restoration treatments are better in texture and are thicker, more like the terminal hair.

The best thing about medical hair restoration treatment with finnasteride is that it is well tolerated and has minimal side effects. Sexual dysfunction (decreased sex drive, erectile dysfunction, and decreased semen volume) are observed in approximately 3.8% of cases. But these side effects disappear within a few months of Medical hair restoration treatments or disappear within a week as soon as treatment is stopped.

This usually takes about 6 to 12 months for m edical hair restoration become apparent but the side effects appear earlier. So, even after medication is discontinued, there is no possibility of hair loss that has been obtained, but the side effects are sure to disappear.
Many hair restoration surgeons find Propecia (finasteride) to act as an excellent addition to surgical hair restoration. There are several advantages of this type of combination therapy. As the Medical hair restoration with Propecia brings back the growth of hair in crown area, it has a complementary action, which allows the surgeon to have more donor hair will be available for frontal hair transplant and design the hairline at his own will. Since finasteride has no effect on the frontal area of ​​the scalp, it has no interference with the surgical hair restoration.

Combination Therapy

There are reports saying that the use of finasteride and topical minoxidil combination therapy as a medical hair restoration treatment is more advantage in cases of mild to moderate MPHL. Further studies are in progress. Many hair restoration doctors have started to use combination therapy to obtain better hair growth.

Anti-androgen therapy

For women with hyperandrogonism (with elevated levels of androgen) who do not respond well to minoxidil, antiandrogen therapy is another option of Medical hair restoration. In the UK the most commonly used anti-androgen for women is CPA (cyproterone acetate), used in combination with ethinyl estradiol-.

However, in the United States, where CPA is not available, the aldosterone antagonist spironolactone is the alternative choice of hair restoration physician.


Medical hair restoration with flutamide has shown improvement as hair loss restoration treatment in women with hirsutism. For hyperandrogenic premenopausal women, flutamide is a better medical hair restoration agent than both the CPA or finestride.

Quick Ways to Grow Hair

Some people who are not blessed with good hair actually envy people who have the luxury to be able to wear their long hair and keep it that despite whatever hassles that long hair can carry a person. Of taking a longer time in the bathroom and had to deal with all sorts of monthly hair treatments just to keep long hair in tip, top shape.

Fortunately, for those who at the time in the mood for long hair, no hair extensions that actually proved to be a safe and fast way for people to be able to have long hair. Through hair extensions, people will be able to have long hair which they want when they want their hair long and just a few days (which means people who have hair extensions do not have to worry about the maintenance of hair extensions in the long run). Hair extensions are good for people who think to grow their hair into a mop, luxurious length of the wound, short hair styles childish.

Have you ever noticed that many celebrities today sometimes tend to have long hair then short hair next? Well, surely not magic but a breakthrough in the field of beauty and fashion wherein top hairstylists are currently doing hair extensions are the people who do not have the patience or time to grow their hair long. When it comes to growing hair on this one, of course there are many things that one needs to do to keep it looking beautiful. Of course, when it comes to hair to grow one, it is very important that you actually keep it in good condition if long hair will only make you look untidy.

Through hair extensions, long hair is really easy. You just arrived at the salon and it was made and after a few hours, you have a perfectly nice long hair. Hair extensions are actually very in demand for salon hair care at this time where many of their clients all want to have some hair extensions added to their natural mane to look a little more girly, sophisticated and even a bit sexy.

For most people who come to the salon for hair extensions, they usually choose to have human hair extensions to achieve a natural look than other types of synthetic hair extensions that actually has a different texture. And because human hair extensions are very popular at this time, be prepared to shell out cash for a little more human hair extensions, human hair extensions for really can set you back about $ 1,000.

If you are worried about having to spend all day at the salon while having your hair extensions, then you really do not have to worry about anything since having real hair extensions are a quick and easy method where you'll end up with a fix very dramatic for the hair You and hair extensions can actually last you for five whole months (but of course, you need to go on a little easier when you brush, or wash your hair style).

Another popular choice when it comes to hair extensions, is having the kind of synthetic hair extensions are a cheaper option than a human hair extensions and contrary to what others may say, synthetic hair extensions actually looks like a natural as a human hair extensions very expensive.

But how do hair extensions actually applied to keep your natural hair? Well, the hair extension is actually placed on a small section of your hair. Hair and hair extensions will be a sort of woven together so that the hair extension will have something to hold onto. Furthermore, after a session of care braiding hair extension bonding session in which the bond comes to hair extension solution is applied then the heat will then be applied to the treated area which will secure the hair extensions to your natural hair.

Options for Hair Loss

Losing one's hair can have a big emotional impact and cause more suffering in the long run. Studies show that the perception of bald or balding men compared to men with hair is that they are less physically attractive, less assertive, less successful and older. Although hair loss in women is not as common as in men, may also lead to the same perception is less attractive, less successful and older.

Abnormal hair loss is called alopecia. There are various types of alopecia, including alopecia androgenic, alopecia and postpartum alopecia areata. Androgenic alopecia is the result of genetics, age and hormonal changes. In men this is known as male pattern baldness that usually develops into the familiar horseshoe-shaped hair. In women it appears as a general thinning over the entire crown.

Alopecia areata is characterized by a sudden fall of hair in round patches or baldness in place. This can occur on the scalp or elsewhere on the body. It is an autoimmune disease that causes hair follicles to be affected by the immune system mistakenly attacked a person. Alopecia areata usually starts with one or more small, round, smooth bald patches on the scalp and can progress to total baldness.

Postpartum alopecia is hair loss that women can experience while in late pregnancy. Usually the hair growth cycle will return within a year after birth.

There are many different options for people suffering from hair loss these days. One is a drug. A popular topical minoxidil, which is sold over the counter. Minoxidil applied to the scalp twice a day and can be effective for some. There is also a prescription drug for men who may be more effective than minoxidil. But many prescription drugs have side effects like weight gain and loss of sexual function.

The second option is hair transplantation surgery. Transplantation, also known as hair plugs, is the most common technique of permanent hair replacement. In the procedure, a small section of hair is removed from an area where there are a lot of hair. The entire hair follicle, papilla and the ball is removed and transferred to a new location. Typical costs for this type of surgery ranged from $ 8,000 - $ 20,000 and up.

The third option is to use wigs, toupees, hair weaves, hair extensions or hair integration. Wigs and toupees can be designed using either human hair or synthetic hair. They have come a long way and can create very natural looking style. Hair weaving involves sewing pieces of human or synthetic hair into natural hair to create the look, style long hair fuller. Hair extensions similar to hair weave because you are attaching human or synthetic hair with natural hair. Except for the hair extensions are attached by one of several different methods of using adhesives, LOCs, link or clip. Integration hair nets that are designed specifically with the hair attached to the skin or even man-made with hair tied together, usually using medical grade adhesive directly to the scalp to make hair fuller style.

There can be complications in hair weaving, hair extensions and hair integration. If they are not installed properly, by trained hair stylists, hair loss client's situation may become worse, resulting in permanent hair loss with hair extensions natural hair pulled out. Always consult a trained professional hair stylist who has experience with hair loss situation.

In short, hair loss may have a huge emotional impact on many people. But as technology advances there are many more options for men and women suffering from hair loss.

Medical Hair Restoration Hair Restoration Treatment

There are several medical hair loss medications available for hair loss restoration. The majority of hair transplant surgeons recommend that one should always seek medical hair restoration before one decides to undergo hair restoration surgery.

In fact, continued medical treatment well before the surgery often leads to better growth of hair transplantation. Similarly, hair medical treatment after surgery always provide superior benefits of hair loss solutions.

But when you are preparing for hair transplant surgery there are some precautions with medical hair restoration is to be observed so that you do not have an adverse effect because of hair loss medications.

Medical hair restoration with Rogaine

Minoxidil is sold under the brand name Rogaine, is unable to grow hair on bald scalp, but are still considered as a treatment for hair restoration affordable for being able to inhibit hair loss and stabilize the slow process of miniaturization. Medical treatment of hair loss with Rogaine is a widely accepted treatment of all hair loss solution. which is even recommended by the FDA either as a treatment for male hair loss and hair loss treatment for women. Minnoxidil act by prolonging the growth phase of hair. But for medical treatment with minoxidil fully effective requires long-term use. It may take a long time, about 6 to 12 months, to predict a noticeable increase in hair growth. Within 2 to 3 months of drug withdrawal, increase in terminal hair density and growth due to the use of drugs can suddenly disappear.

Another drawback of Rogaine is that while it is effective in the crown or the top of the head, is much less effective in frontal area, so overall it is not effective as a solution for the front man for whom balding scalp and hair line is an important area for hair loss restoration.

Rogaine, especially the drug of choice for many women hair loss medication hair loss which is often characterized by diffuse thinning. Long-term use of drugs can sometimes bring about a complete reversal of thinning, visible even after stopping the drug, but the man, stopping treatment results in a complete reversal of benefits.

Medical hair restoration (Rogaine) as a combination treatment

Some hair restoration surgeons strongly recommend the use of Rogaine before and then immediately after hair transplant surgery, especially when the grafts have been placed in and around the existing hair. The idea behind the recovery operation combines medical hair restoration and hair is to help prevent a temporary loss of a healthy, preexisting hair due to shock of hair restoration surgery procedures.

The use of topical minoxidil both before and after hair restoration surgery is often recommended for patients who undergo hair transplant procedure as has been shown that Minoxidil reduces hair shedding due to transplant trauma and shorter recovery from surgery.

Attention prior to hair transplant surgery

Most surgeons feel that the medical hair restoration treatment with minoxidil should be discontinued before surgery to minimize the risk of skin irritation and dilation of blood vessels, which may lead to increased bleeding. Treatment of patients with 2% topical minoxidil is generally stopped 4 weeks before surgery.

The effectiveness of topical minoxidil application before hair restoration surgery are also well documented. It was seen that the hair loss due to telogen effluvium observed 2-4 weeks after surgery is more apparent in the placebo-treated patients (52%) compared with minoxidil treated patients (22%).

Attention after hair transplant surgery
It is not advised to use minoxidil on the transplant immediately after surgery until the incision has been allowed to heal. Most surgeons prefer to initiate the use of topical minoxidil at least a week or more after the hair transplant surgery. This allows time for the epithelium to heal and minimize potential damage from the theoretical to transplant grafts minoxidil-based propylene glycol. However, the use of minoxidil special glycerin based solutions can take care of potential problems and can help to obtain better growth after surgery.

Where minoxidil used before surgery, was stopped up to 3 weeks after surgery, and then start again and continue. It has been observed that about 70% of the grafts grow into the hair when minoxidil was continued, if not most of the transplanted hair is usually shed after 2-4 weeks of transplantation. There are reports that are available in medical trials showed that topical minoxidil is a useful adjunct after hair transplant.

Benefits of regular topical minoxidil administration was reported after the hair transplant surgery include:

o Increasing the number of anagen hair

o Promotion of hair growth in grafts transplanted and surrounding

o Reduction of post-operative shock and telogen effluvium

Medical hair treatment with Finasteride

Many hair transplant surgeons find Propecia (finasteride) to act as an excellent addition to hair restoration surgery. There are several advantages for this type of combination therapy. As the Medical hair restoration with Propecia brings back the growth of hair in crown area, it has a complementary action, which allows the surgeon to have more donor hair will be available for frontal hair transplant and design the hairline at his own will. Since finasteride has no effect on the frontal area of ​​the scalp, no hair loss treatment of men with hair restoration surgery is generally done at the hair line and frontal regions.

If you are experiencing male pattern baldness, it makes sense to use the best medical treatment in conjunction with hair transplant surgery, you are sure to have your hair transplants grow well, but keep in mind that the non-transplanted hair will continue to fall.

Medical treatment of hair loss is also helpful to have around in your head as hair transplants to grow and this will allow you to have more hair on your scalp.

Men's Hair Loss Causes and Treatment

There are various causes of male hair loss, and thanks to modern medicine, many hair loss treatment options for you to consider. Most men lose their hair due to inherited genes and the normal aging process, but there are other causes as well. The key to choosing an effective hair loss treatment is to determine the cause of hair loss and then select among various kinds of hair loss solutions to find the most appropriate treatment.

Male pattern baldness

Up to 90% of all male hair loss is due to male pattern baldness, also called androgenetic alopecia. In this situation, the causes of hair loss is due to genes inherited from the father, mother, or both. The older a man is getting bald are more likely to occur, although some men start losing their hair from their late teens or early twenties.

Male pattern baldness generally appears in one of two ways - at the top of the head of thinning hair or a receding hairline. One way to predict the bald man would have is to look at the causes of hair loss and the family. It is not always accurate, though, male pattern baldness because it can sometimes skip a generation.

Causes of Male Pattern Baldness

Experts say that as many as 50% of all men will experience hair loss, ranging from mild to moderate, at the time they turn 50, and 65% of men will have a clear pattern baldness by the time they are 60 years old. Whether due to aging, genetics or a combination of both, why hair loss is actually occurring?

The answer is a chemical called dehydrotestosterone, or DHT. This is a male hormone that collects and builds up around the hair follicles, eventually causing the follicle and the hair grows out of it to be killed. As DHT levels increase with aging, more and more influenced by the follicle and hair loss becomes more apparent.

Other Causes of Male Hair Loss

If 90% of male pattern baldness is due to genes and aging, how about the other 10% of men who lost or lose their hair? For these people the cause of hair loss can range from medical conditions to damage caused by extreme hair styles or hair care is hard. Examples could include:

Medication - Some anti-depressants, blood thinners and medications for the treatment of uric acid can cause hair loss, as can excess vitamin A. Chemotherapy drugs often causes hair loss.

Severe illness / surgery - body goes through tremendous stress during severe illness or major surgery, often causes hair loss within three to four months after illness or surgery.

Illness - Hair loss in men can be the cause of undiagnosed medical condition such as lupus or diabetes, or fungal infection of the scalp.

Hormones - The human body contains a variety of hormones, both male and female, who may become unbalanced and cause hair loss. Hormonal problems due to thyroid gland is overactive or underactive can also cause hair loss.

The right diagnosis
Because there are medical and genetic causes of male pattern baldness, it is important to correctly diagnose the exact cause of hair loss treatments before choosing the most appropriate. The best course of action is to consult a physician before beginning any treatment.

If the cause of hair loss in men is something other than genetics and aging, the good news is that often reversible simply by reducing or eliminating medications or conditions that cause it. Dangers of self diagnosis is that the underlying disease or medical condition may continue untreated, leading to more serious medical problems.

Strong feelings and emotions associated with hair loss is understandable, but should not be used as an excuse to avoid consulting a doctor. A doctor can confirm that there are no medical conditions that require treatment and provide advice on potential solutions.

Hair Loss Treatment of understanding

For 90% of men whose loss is due to causes such as male pattern baldness hair generally, there are several treatment options to consider. These range from topical to oral medications to surgical technique, all of which come with various advantages, disadvantages, costs, and other considerations.

The key to choosing the right treatment for male hair loss it is considering the convenience, the short and long terms of impact on daily life, cost, effectiveness and maintenance requirements. The best solution for one person may be very different from the best treatment for someone else, so it is important to make decisions based on personal circumstances and desired outcomes.

Topical Hair Loss Treatment

By far the most common type of hair loss treatment for men is the application of topical hair loss products. These products can range from shampoo and conditioner for the scalp oils to stimulate the chemical drugs.

The most effective hair loss topical treatment to date is minoxidil, marketed under the brand name Rogaine. Previously only available by prescription, these medications are now available over the counter at almost any store, drug store wholesaler or retailer discounts. To maintain hair growth, Rogaine must be used sustainably, when usage is stopped, any hair regrowth of hair that occurs will be lost again. Rogaine is the only hair loss treatment approved by the FDA for use by men and women.

Many other topical treatments available for men who have not proven effective. Beware of any product that is promoted as "drug instant" or "hair growth miracle" drug. While hair loss product is usually not going to cause some damage or damage to the scalp or hair, they also will not be effective in promoting new hair growth. As it is often a waste of money that could otherwise be used for the treatment of medically proven.

Oral Hair Loss Treatment
Another hair loss treatment is effective for men finasteride, marketed under the brand name Propecia. This medicine is available by prescription only and comes in pill taken every day. Such as Rogaine, Propecia discontinued if the use of any hair regrowth that has occurred will be lost.

Propecia is FDA approved hair loss products for use by men only, and even comes with a strong warning to women because it can cause serious birth defects. Women who are pregnant or could become pregnant are strongly encouraged to not even handle Propecia tablets, as these drugs could potentially be absorbed through the skin.

Surgical Hair Loss Treatments

A good number of surgical hair loss treatments available. This treatment has increased dramatically over the years thanks to better techniques and better medical technology. The results usually look very natural to most men and is not lost.

The most common surgical treatment for men whose hair grafting, a process in which hair from one part of the head are transplanted to bald areas. Grafts can be as small as a hair, making it possible for surgeons to create a very natural hairline.

Another surgical option for men is more invasive, involving cutting the bald area and stretching area that still has hair above the cut area. Longer recovery time for this type of treatment, and patients are not all the hair loss would be a good candidate for this procedure.

If you are experiencing male pattern baldness, consult your doctor or dermatologist who can diagnose the cause of your hair loss and recommend the best treatment for your particular situation.